
Qabbalah und westliche Mysterien


Questions to Membership

How can I become a member?

We are happy if you are seriously interested in our training! You can start the training immediately if you want! Because many parts of the training can be completed as a non-member, such as our free online course and many of our seminars. For some parts of the training (like the participation in the rituals of our workshops as well as for advanced learning contents) a membership is required.

It makes sense to start without being a member. Then you can see from your own experience whether our training suits you. And we can get to know you.

We may invite you to become a member once we have got to know you a little better. This can be either at one of our seminars or in an online course. We do not normally invite you to membership before a one-year get-to-know-you period has elapsed. It is also not uncommon for it to take longer, as an invitation is only issued at the point where we establish a lasting interest in our spiritual work and a deep desire to dedicate ourselves to this path with devotion.

Of course, it can also be that the interest in becoming a member comes from you first. In that case you can of course let us know personally.

Regardless of whether the interest came from you or an invitation from us, a decision period will follow and we will ask you to fill out a membership questionnaire. After that we will make the decision. Please consider:

An education in a Mystery School like the Brotherhood of Eternal Light is not a basic right, but a privilege. In former times it was normal (and still is in some organisations) that a candidate needed the intercession of (at least) one experienced member to become a member.

I am not yet 18 years old. Can I still become a member?

Hier verweisen: http://www.qabbalah.de/magie_minderjaehrige.html

Update von diesem Text machen.

What is the questionnaire? Why is the questionnaire necessary? What is the purpose of the questions?

When you apply for membership, we will ask you to fill in a questionnaire.

For the sake of clarity, we will explain it with a comparison. When someone takes an airplane trip, certain security measures are quite natural and no passenger is surprised about them. On the contrary, most passengers welcome these security measures and would not want to fly with an airline that neglects security measures, because these serve everyone and ensure that the entire flight runs as smoothly and safely as possible. If one wants to embark on a spiritual journey, some safety measures are also necessary to ensure that the spiritual training bears good fruit. If you are looking for serious training, including magical techniques, you should be especially suspicious if NO questions are asked and everyone is readily accepted. Only cults take anyone, a serious mystery group would never do that!!! We work with real forces. We offer a high level spiritual education. That is why we MUST ask questions.

– The “General Information” questions are to help the candidate step out of anonymity a bit.

– The “Personal Attitudes” questions are to determine with what general attitude someone comes to us. We also want to find out whether training makes sense for this person. (For example, if someone is a drug addict, then any form of magical training is strongly discouraged!!!). We take our responsibility towards each individual very seriously and therefore feel it is right and necessary to ask these questions, even if they may be somewhat personal. We are aware that not all spiritual organisations care whether the participants of their events are really able to deal with strong psychic powers. Out of fear of scaring someone off, important questions are often not asked…. But just because some others don’t care, we don’t have to follow this bad example.

– The questions on “experience with occult or spiritual subjects” are intended to help assess the candidate’s level of experience.

– The questions on “Your interest in this group” are mainly to find out if we can offer the candidate what he is looking for, because we don’t want to waste your time or ours.

Who reads my answers?

Of course, all information will be treated absolutely confidentially. Only the training supervisors who decide on questionnaires and your personal supervisor will read the questionnaire.