
Qabbalah und westliche Mysterien


Questions to Boel / to Zedeq

What is the difference between Boel and Zedeq? Why do you have two names?

The Brotherhood of Eternal Light, Boel in short, is the name we gave to our Mystery School when it was established. Long before we became a school, we had already organised regular training meetings, for which we founded the registered association Zentrum der Qabbalah e.V., in short Zedeq. This association served to organise our meetings on a mundane basis and continues to serve our Mystery School for this purpose.

What are your ethical principles?

A spiritual education serves personal development. This includes character development, as well as the development of skills that are important for all people, as well as individually important skills. It is about developing the best form of one’s own personal potential. And this is always integrated into the greater whole, so that the mystery student can serve his environment, the whole of humanity and creation as a whole as well as possible. This is what is meant when we speak of “serving the light”.

The ethical principles, listed in more detail, by which we are guided can be found in our codex of the magician.