If you have booked a recording, you will be sent a link. This is the link to the relevant course area on our learning platform where the recording is located. You need an account on our learning platform and must log in to view the recording. You need to enrol in the course once per seminar and possibly enter your password. You can find instructions on how to do this here: to the video There may be a short delay because we have to check your access and activate it.
If the recording you have booked has already been edited and uploaded, you can watch it immediately afterwards. If you book a pre-order, then it will of course take until the seminar has been held and the recording has been edited and uploaded.
The process is described in detail in the previous question on how to watch a recording. If you want to see it in a video how it works, look here: xxx
This is possible for some of our seminars. However, it is not possible at the same basic price. The recordings are only for the private use of the participant / buyer. As copy protection and for better tracking, you will receive individually personalised files. This can be very time-consuming as some seminars consist of more than 30 individual files. We charge a service fee for this, which depends on the length of the seminar and thus on the effort involved.
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